Forest Holidays team member leads the way with Save Our Wildlife campaign

Forest News


Pauline, Forest Ranger and Environment and Sustainability Officer at our Strathyre location in Scotland has been particularly busy this year setting up a campaign to raise awareness on how we can do our bit to help wildlife thrive across the UK and in particular within the Loch Lomond and Trossachs National Park.

Wildlife in Loch Lomond and the Trossachs

The Loch Lomond and Trossachs National Park is home to many species of wildlife including some rare and iconic fauna including red deer, pine marten, red squirrel, black grouse, badger, otter, brown hare, fox, beaver and hedgehog to name but a few that all thrive in the rich and diverse network of habitats provided by our varied and beautiful landscape.

Sadly, evidence shows a great many of these animals are being killed daily on our roads. Over 4 million visitors are expected to visit the National Park in 2021 in addition to those who live and work within the area, further increasing the volume of vehicles on the roads.

View of Loch Lomond, Scotland
An Otter sat in the grass
Red Deer stood in a field
A Hedgehog sat in a pile of autumn leaves

To try and do our bit to help, Pauline, with the support of Forest Holidays began the “Save Our Wildlife” campaign (SOW), raising awareness with guests and suppliers asking them to “Drive Slowly for Wildlife” and help reduce the number of animals killed on the road each year. She created posters for local businesses as well as car window stickers that were also given out to guests. Companies that were seen to be driving responsibly around our location were personally contacted to thank them for their support.

Our two locations in the National Park, Strathyre and Ardgartan Argyll only cover a very small area within the 720 square miles area of the National Park so we can`t do this alone. As well as raising awareness with our guests, we are asking local businesses and communities to help save our wildlife by joining our campaign to raise awareness.

If we all come together we can help protect biodiversity, reduce CO2 emissions and reduce road traffic accidents. On your next visit to the forest, help Save Our Wildlife and join us in driving responsibly during your holiday.

Loch Lomond & The Trossachs National Park
A badger sat on the grass
A red squirrel perched on a log
Pine Marten sat perched on a log
Save Our Wildlife campaign logo

Drive slowly for wildlife campaign