Latest news from the forest


Here you’ll find the latest Forest Holidays news, updates from all of our UK locations as well as the latest articles from our award-winning Forestipedia blog and information for press and media enquiries.

  • The Unfurl Collection: meet the designer

    The Unfurl Collection: meet the designer

    We have teamed up with Oliver Heath Design to bring you a forest experience like no other. With interiors incorporating Biophilic Design principles.


    We’re officially a Which? Recommended Provider

    We’re officially a Which? Recommended Provider

    Choosing where to go on holiday just got easier...We're officially a Which? Recommended Provider for UK Holiday Parks July 2024.

    Celebrating gwanwyn

    Celebrating gwanwyn

    In March, we celebrated spring (gwanwyn) at Garwnant with an extra-special weekend in the forest –  and a little bit of Welsh hospitality.

  • Love Cocoa, B Corp Month brand partner

    Love Cocoa, B Corp Month brand partner

    Our genuinely inclusive team culture gives everyone in our team the opportunity to grow with us.


  • Say hello to L'OCCITANE

    Say hello to L'OCCITANE

    We’ve entered into a brand-new partnership with iconic French beauty brand, L’OCCITANE en provence.

  • News archive

    News archive

    View all past Forest News articles in our news archive.

Media enquiries

Press contacts, facts and figures

Get in touch with our team for all media enquiries. Whether it’s a request for images, a press trip, contribution to features, expert commentary or any other media or blogger enquiries, we’re very happy to help.


Image Library

Find the perfect picture

We’re really proud of our product photography, and we’re keen to make it as easy as possible to find the right image to go with your piece about Forest Holidays. We’ve put all of our images on Flickr so you should be able to find your image easily. You can select various sizes, including the large original format. However, if you need a very high resolution image, or need some help choosing the right image, please contact us and we will be happy to help.


Forest Holidays image library

Forestipedia Blog

Forest facts at your fingertips

We just love the forest. In fact, if there’s something worth knowing on the subject, our expert Forest Rangers will know it and that's why our Forest Ranger activities are so popular with adults and children. It's also why we set up ‘Forestipedia’; a source of intriguing and informative articles and features about the forest. 

Forestipedia blog

We're social too!

Follow us @forestholidays

We love our guests, and we love keeping in touch with them through whatever means we can. Over the years, we’ve listened to guests and used the feedback we get to shape our holiday experiences. Our social channels are a great way for guests and the media to find out what’s happening at Forest Holidays, and to keep in touch.

Follow us on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tik Tok, YouTube and join in the conversation.