What's on location

What's on location

Glentress Forest, Peebles

Forest Holidays

What you'll find on location at Glentress Forest, Peebles

  • Children's play area

    Children's play area

    Kick back with a coffee and keep a close eye on the little ones from our Forest Retreat, with our incredible natural play area. There’s lots to explore, with a play kitchen and mini-log cabin - plenty to climb, balance and swing from!

  • Bug hotel and wildlife

    Bug hotel and wildlife

    Visit the Bug Hotel and see what tiny creatures have been to stay! Close to the play area, mini explorers will love discovering insects and creepy crawlies and learning about what they can do at home to help them thrive.

  • Glentress Forest trails

    Glentress Forest trails

    There are more than 20 walking and cycle trails within Glentress Forest. With many bike and walking trails beginning or passing through the Forest Retreat, you’ll have the whole forest at your feet, ready to explore.



Try Archery

Try Archery

Just a short walk from your cabin you’ll find the perfect group challenge to get stuck into.

Take aim at our sheltered archery range and see who hits the bullseye!