How to love rainy days

7 ways to love the rain

Ruth Sneddon

Forestipedia writer
Helping you to discover the best places on your travels

The forecast is rain, again. Rainy days are part of British life and, as we prepare for yet another soaking, here at Forest Holidays we say… Hurrah! Bring it on!


With year-round breaks at Forest Holidays, we are used to everything that the British weather can throw at us. This week’s forecast alone has everything from sunshine to showers. But we live by the maxim, ‘There’s no such thing as bad weather, just the wrong clothes.’ 

So: Wellies – check. Raincoat – check. Brolly – check.

7 ways to love the rain:

1. Walk in the forest – the tree canopy keeps the worst of the weather off your back and the patter of the raindrops is strangely soothing.

2. Visit a waterfall – the more it rains, the more spectacular the waterfalls.

3. Take to the water – fishing, kayaking, even swimming. Start wet and the rain means nothing.

4. Travel by train – check out our recommended Ffestiniog & Welsh Highland Railway and gaze at the rain-soaked landscape from a steamy carriage window.

5. See the sea – marvel at the swell of the waves when the tide is high – from a safe distance, of course.

6. Watch the wildlife – most wildlife won’t be deterred by a light downpour and ducks positively love wet weather. Frogs, toads and earthworms also appear from nowhere when it rains.

7. Let it rain, let it rain, let it rain – feel the rain on your face, do a dance, let the kids splash in puddles and smell the damp earth. Love the rain!

Family in the forest on a rainy day

Get outdoors...whatever the weather

Rainy day activities at Forest Holidays

We are realistic. We understand that you can only love the rain for so long and when it has rained for 24 hours straight, the thrill of splashing in puddles can wear off. Here are some alternative rainy day activities for your Forest Holiday:

• Have a movie day – Choose your films from our In-Cabin Entertainment package, light the wood burner, order your popcorn from the Forest Retreat and settle back for a cosy afternoon.

• Play some family games – rainy days are a great opportunity to have a family afternoon of board games! Prepare to have some fun with your friends and family by hiring one of our Games crates.

• Hot tub in the rain – your hot tub stays hot whatever the weather and it’s quite an experience to sit back into the bubbles with the rain coming down.

• Pottery painting at the Forest Retreat – the children can spend an absorbing hour painting ceramic woodland animals while you sit back with a cappuccino or a beer and the day’s papers.

Rainy day attractions out and about

Cabin fever setting in? Our top tips for rainy day activities near to our locations are worth keeping up your sleeve for a day out when rain eventually stops play:

Deerpark – the Eden Project for indoor gardens from around the world.

Blackwood Forest – Beaulieu Motor Museum in the New Forest for TV and film cars, the world of Top Gear and a fine collection of classic motor cars and motorbikes.

Forest of Dean – Slimbridge Wetland Trust for indoor and outdoor education in the Forest of Dean.

Thorpe Forest – Curve Motion in Bury St. Edmunds, with roller skating, megaslides, soft play and bistro. Noisy but fun.

Sherwood Forest – Sherwood Forest Art and Craft Centre near Edwinstowe is a delightful craft centre with a weatherproof courtyard atrium. Watch artists at work and buy unique gifts and souvenirs.

Cropton and Keldy – The National Railway Museum in York is a celebration of the age of the railways and you may see the newly restored Flying Scotsman.

Ardgartan Argyll – Inverary Castle and Inverary Jail Museum. The castle is home to the Duke of Argyll, chief of the Clan Campbell and the Jail Museum is a step back into a different, more unforgiving, age.

Strathyre – Stirling Castle is quite possibly the best castle in the UK and a Harry Potter film location too.

Beddgelert – Zip World Caverns offers a uniquely exhilarating and atmospheric underground adventure.

In praise of rain

Rain is good for the ground, good for the plants and it’s what keeps our country green and beautiful.  The old saying goes, ‘sweet April showers, do spring May flowers’ so even if the rain doesn't thrill you, remember it is working its magic. 

When the last drops fall, and the sun breaks through the clouds, the earth feels refreshed and the air is cleansed. This is the moment that you know you live in the best country in the world. The country where, for very good reason, everyone talks about the weather.