8 ways to connect with nature at home

The benefits of being outdoors and close to nature are endless


Build a bug hotel at the kitchen table (then take it outside)

Keep your mini explorers busy by getting them to build a bug hotel. There’s lots of super-easy tutorials online and it’s one of the most effective ways to introduce your little ones to mini beasts. They’re sure to be entertained watching beetles, bees, centipedes, lacewings, ladybirds, and woodlice come and go throughout the day.

Make a den in the backyard

Some of the best activities are the simplest. Grab a couple of chairs and a blanket and head into the back garden for an epic den building session. A back-garden den makes a great base for crafty activities. Think teddy bear picnics, water play, and painting in the day. Then when the sun sets and night draws in, bring out the shadow puppet shows for an evening of fun and laughter. All outside in the glorious fresh air.

Spot wildlife from the window

Even when you’re living in the tiniest city apartment, nature will find its way into your life. If it’s time for a break from Netflix, get your kids involved with a window side nature-watching competition with treats for whoever can identify the most trees, animals, and insects.

Children drawing

It's time to get creative!

Get creative in the garden

If you’ve got a forgotten set of art supplies in your messy cupboard (we’ve all got one) now's the time to bring them out into the garden. Sketch all the different shaped leaves you can find, do charcoal rubbings of tree bark or press fallen wildflowers into books and keep them forever. Just make sure you remember to stop for a break with plenty of sandwiches, strawberries, and a cool glass of lemonade. Yum.

Sit still and listen

When was the last time you just closed your eyes and listened? The Japanese practise of Forest Bathing is a great way to slow down and appreciate the small things. Proven to lower heart rate, reduce stress, and boost the immune system this could be the perfect activity for an afternoon wind-down. And the great thing is, Forest Bathing can be done wherever you are. A quiet corner of your back garden, by an open window in your living room or even around the dinner table. Keep things interesting by asking your children what they can hear - birds singing, leaves gently rustling or the buzz of bees around the wildflowers? 

Introduce sensory play

One of the best ways to encourage a child’s big imagination is to include time for sensory play in your daily routine. Smelling wild garlic, watching butterflies dance across the sky, and splashing in puddles are all amazing sensory play ideas that are simple (and fun) to do.

Picnic in the forest

Enjoy a picnic outdoors

Draw a tree and put your creative skills to the test

When's the last time you drew a tree? It was one of the first things we all learned to draw, along with faces, and houses. Get a sketch pad, choose a tree, and see if your talents have moved on since you were six. Whether or not your tree looks like a tree, the therapeutic benefits of contemplating nature for an hour or two are immense, and it's a great activity to do with the kids too.

Rustle up a picnic to enjoy in the garden

Put together a family picnic of your favourite sandwiches, some delicious fruit, and lemonade, then head off outside with a blanket to find your perfect spot in the garden. Enjoy your tasty treats and then relax with your favourite book or watch the clouds fly by in the sky up above from your serene hot tub log cabin.